Saturday, 25 February 2012

Free Work Eco Fashion Woman's Wear

this another outfit which i create when i got inspired by the fashion show in london the top was a t shirt i undid it the create the effect of the t shirt. the skirt is made out of a old pillow case.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Free Work Fashion Eco woman's wear

Eco fashion woman's wear summer holiday
white and red made out of a shirt i added the straps
and un did the t shirt to turn it into a comfortable
dress for summer holidays. 
Eco fashion woman's wear being inspired by
watching a Eco fashion show in london
at the good enough collage in 2012 

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

changing futures : My Monolog

The Monolog was filmed in Manchester museum next to Mmu. The point of the monolog was to get people to understand a person life with cystic fibrosis and my thoughts and feelings of the aspects of it genie therapy. Just for your information genie therapy is where changed the information inside the persons cell's aiming and treating to cure the disease of cystic fibrosis.

Monday, 13 February 2012

changing futures pictures

 picture envolving my video diary
 my creative design idea's
 me doing the sowing for the dna dress

 me getting filmed

 this dress i made myself my design and idea of a dna dress
 the finished icon
 this is for the genie therapy icon using rubber bands and wires and pompoms
 i sowed paper to make a outline for the lungs the green in ment to symbolize the mucus in cystic fibrosis lungs.
 the finished icon for the teachers zone on the website
 i used fake eye lashes and tissue paper for the eyes.
 this is me applying the make up on the sciencest icon for the website